(1) Limited liability
Contents of the website
We act most carefully during creating the contents of the website. However, the party which provides content (referred to as Provider) doesn't take responsibility regarding correctness, completeness and freshness of the available data. The User shall use any available content on his own responsibility. If any content is credited, it reflects the opinion of the actual author, which opinion may differ from that of the Provider.
Availability of the website
Provider ensures that the services shall be available, within the bounds of possibility, without interruption. However, even in spite of utmost care, interruptions may occur. Provider reserves the right to change or extend the available content at any time.
External links
The website contains links which lead to websites of third parties (referred to as external links). The owners of each website are responsible for the specific website. When placing the link on this website for the first time, Provider checked the external contents to avoid any infringement of rights. At the time of checking no infringements occured. Provider has no influence whatsoever on the current and future look and content of the linked websites. Displaying external links doesn't mean that Provider treats the contents of the linked websites as its own. Provider is not supposed to continuously check external links, except in case of referring to a specific infringement. However, if having knowledge of the infringement, Provider shall remove the respective external links immediately.
The author of each specific advertisement is responsible for the content of the specific advertisement and for that of the advertised website. Displaying advertisements doesn't mean that Provider accepts the contents of those.
No contractual relation
No contractual relation shall come into existence between the User and the Provider by using the website of the Provider. Thus, no contractual or quasi-contractual demands shall be made towards the Provider. If using the website does result in a contractual relation, the following limitation of liability shall apply, only for precautionary reasons: Provider is responsible for intentional breach of essential contractual commitments (fundamental commitments) and for that stemming of gross negligence. Provider's responsibility is limited in regard of reimbursing such damages, which are foreseeable during signing the contract and which are as per contractual provision, and which damages are result of breach of fundamental commitments, which breach stems from simple negligence of Provider himself or any of his legal representative or any of his partners supporting fulfilling the service. In case of breach of accessory commitments (non-fundamental commitments), as a result of simple negligence, the Provider is not responsible. This whole entry is not applicable in case of damages in connection with cases protected by the warranty or guarantee given by the Provider, in case of claims towards the Provider based on the Product Liability Act, in case of damages in human life, body or health.
(2) Copyright
Contents and creations displayed on this website are copyrighted. All kinds of usage, which are not allowed by international copyright laws, are only possible with an advance written approval from the specific author or right holder. This applies especially for cases of reproducing, processing, translating, storing and reworking contents and for displaying it in databases or other electronic systems or in the media. Unauthorized reproduction and passing on of individual contents or complete pages is forbidden and subject to prosecution. Copies and downloads are allowed strictly for personal usage, for non-commercial reasons.
Displaying links leading to the website to the Provider is allowed at any time, in such cases no authorization is required from the provider. Displaying the website of the Provider in external frames is subject to authorization.
(3) Data privacy protection
During visiting the website of the Provider the server may collect information about the visit (date, time, visited pages). These data are not linked to the specific visitor, the system stores them anonymously and are used strictly for statistical purposes. The data will not be given to third parties, nor for commercial, neither for other reasons.
Besides that, the computer of the User may also store data. These data is stored in cookies, which make access of the User to the website easier. It is possible for the User to turn this option off in their browser. However, in such cases, usability of our website may be limited.
Provider explicitly states that during data transfer through the internet (e.g. email communication) security holes are present and there is no complete protection against access of third parties.
Using data which identify the Provider (especially telephone and fax numbers and email addresses) in commercial advertisements is strictly forbidden, except in the case of a written approval from the Provider or in the case of an already existing business relationship. Provider and all persons named on this site discourage usage of their data for any kind of commercial purposes and passing on the same.
(4) General law
Only the law of Republic of Hungary is applicable.
(5) Special terms of usage
If in individual cases special terms should apply which differ from those outlined in points (1) - (4), these cases shall be explicitly mentioned on the specific page. During such occasions, special terms shall apply for the individual cases.